Take full control
of your energy with hydrogen

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A future-oriented energy strategy is investing in sustainable storage.

At Kioz, we are leaders in energy independence. With our innovative solutions, ranging from battery storage to smart energy management systems, we equip you with the tools to save energy, store it, work more sustainably, and achieve full independence from the energy grid.

Pionier in the new
energy economy?

We not only provide reliable energy, but we also take
a lot of hassle so you can focus on what really matters to you.
Discover how hydrogen can transform your energy strategy.

3 steps to energy independence

Having a forward-thinking energy strategy is about much more than the right light bulbs.

It is an investment in the future of your business , saving you money, making your business more socially responsible and strengthening your competitive advantage.
Restore peace, space and independence to your business.

The benefits of the
Kioz energy system


Project Ledegem

Op dit bedrijf wordt jaarlijks ruim 530.000 kWh energie geproduceerd. Vandaag creëren we hier een onafhankelijkheid van maar liefst 89% voor de elektriciteit. Dit geeft een grote zekerheid. De rest van de energie kan aangewend worden voor warmte, koeling en mobiliteit, omgezet via waterstof. Zelfs bij forse uitbreidingen in de toekomst, blijft dit bedrijf grotendeels gespaard van volatiele energieprijzen.