Energy plays a big role in your business. As well as needing electricity for the proper running of operations, you also need the financial and personal space to perform and make the best possible return each and every day.

Pioneers in energy

Our interest in hydrogen mobility has taken us further into the world of energy. While researching the possibilities of producing hydrogen using our own generated energy, we realized that there are now opportunities to become fully autonomous in terms of energy supply. Energy is an essential foundation for any business, and the idea of becoming self-sufficient and having access to energy in the long term at a stable, low price has become a true passion.

We support businesses in achieving maximum energy autonomy by leading the way in developing solutions that can meet not only electricity needs, but also other energy needs such as mobility. We want to be pioneers in the delivery of these opportunities for total energy independence.

Our focus is on removing hassle so that businesses can focus on what is really important. In addition, we also want to lay a strong foundation for future generations. This is how we build together, with great pleasure, towards a world in which everyone can freely and happily do business.

Trees Loncke

CEO & Co-founder

Ronny Schelfhout

Co-founder & Business Developer

Trees Loncke

CEO & Co-founder

Ronny Schelfhout

Co-founder & Business Developer

Jan Vandenbroucke

Project Manager

Marie Werbrouck

Commercieel Manager

Arnaud Collard

Project manager